Results for 'Julie Taylor Caroline Bradbury‐Jones'

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  1.  65
    Domestic abuse as a transgressive practice: understanding nurses' responses through the lens of abjection.Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Julie Taylor - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (4):295-304.
    Domestic abuse is a worldwide public health issue with long‐term health and social consequences. Nurses play a key role in recognizing and responding to domestic abuse. Yet there is considerable evidence that their responses are often inappropriate and unhelpful, such as trivializing or ignoring the abuse. Empirical studies have identified several reasons why nurses' responses are sometimes wanting. These include organizational constraints, e.g. lack of time and privacy; and interpersonal factors such as fear of offending women and lack of confidence. (...)
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    What is ‘moral distress’? A narrative synthesis of the literature.Georgina Morley, Jonathan Ives, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Fiona Irvine - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):646-662.
    Aims: The aim of this narrative synthesis was to explore the necessary and sufficient conditions required to define moral distress. Background: Moral distress is said to occur when one has made a moral judgement but is unable to act upon it. However, problems with this narrow conception have led to multiple redefinitions in the empirical and conceptual literature. As a consequence, much of the research exploring moral distress has lacked conceptual clarity, complicating attempts to study the phenomenon. Design: Systematic literature (...)
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    What is ‘moral distress’ in nursing? A feminist empirical bioethics study.Georgina Morley, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Jonathan Ives - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1297-1314.
    Background The phenomenon of ‘moral distress’ has continued to be a popular topic for nursing research. However, much of the scholarship has lacked conceptual clarity, and there is debate about what it means to experience moral distress. Moral distress remains an obscure concept to many clinical nurses, especially those outside of North America, and there is a lack of empirical research regarding its impact on nurses in the United Kingdom and its relevance to clinical practice. Research aim To explore the (...)
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    Reasons to Redefine Moral Distress: A Feminist Empirical Bioethics Analysis.Georgina Morley, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Jonathan Ives - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):61-71.
    There has been increasing debate in recent years about the conceptualization of moral distress. Broadly speaking, two groups of scholars have emerged: those who agree with Jameton’s ‘narrow definition’ that focuses on constraint and those who argue that Jameton’s definition is insufficient and needs to be broadened. Using feminist empirical bioethics, we interviewed critical care nurses in the United Kingdom about their experiences and conceptualizations of moral distress. We provide our broader definition of moral distress and examples of data that (...)
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    Abjectly Boundless: Boundaries, Bodies and Health Work.Caroline Bradbury-Jones - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (2):153-155.
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    Moral Distress and Austerity: An Avoidable Ethical Challenge in Healthcare.Georgina Morley, Jonathan Ives & Caroline Bradbury-Jones - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (3):185-201.
    Austerity, by its very nature, imposes constraints by limiting the options for action available to us because certain courses of action are too costly or insufficiently cost effective. In the context of healthcare, the constraints imposed by austerity come in various forms; ranging from the availability of certain treatments being reduced or withdrawn completely, to reductions in staffing that mean healthcare professionals must ration the time they make available to each patient. As austerity has taken hold, across the United Kingdom (...)
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  7.  58
    A reply to ‘Phenomenology as research method or substantive metaphysics? An overview of phenomenology's uses in nursing’ by Vicki Earle: a phenomenological grapevine?Caroline Bradbury-Jones - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (3):224-227.
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    Polemics and Pregnancy: A Response to Arguments About Ethical Obstetrical Care.Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Elaine Lee - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):64-65.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 12, Page 64-65, December 2011.
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    “I am in favour of organ donation, but I feel you should opt-in”—qualitative analysis of the #options 2020 survey free-text responses from NHS staff toward opt-out organ donation legislation in England.Natalie L. Clark, Dorothy Coe, Natasha Newell, Mark N. A. Jones, Matthew Robb, David Reaich & Caroline Wroe - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    Background In May 2020, England moved to an opt-out organ donation system, meaning adults are presumed to be an organ donor unless within an excluded group or have opted-out. This change aims to improve organ donation rates following brain or circulatory death. Healthcare staff in the UK are supportive of organ donation, however, both healthcare staff and the public have raised concerns and ethical issues regarding the change. The #options survey was completed by NHS organisations with the aim of understanding (...)
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    Theatres of Trauma, Transcendence and Transformation.Julie Gosling & Caroline Fox - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (2):279-288.
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    A Semantics‐Based Approach to the “No Negative Evidence” Problem.Ben Ambridge, Julian M. Pine, Caroline F. Rowland, Rebecca L. Jones & Victoria Clark - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (7):1301-1316.
    Previous studies have shown that children retreat from argument‐structure overgeneralization errors (e.g., *Don’t giggle me) by inferring that frequently encountered verbs are unlikely to be grammatical in unattested constructions, and by making use of syntax‐semantics correspondences (e.g., verbs denoting internally caused actions such as giggling cannot normally be used causatively). The present study tested a new account based on a unitary learning mechanism that combines both of these processes. Seventy‐two participants (ages 5–6, 9–10, and adults) rated overgeneralization errors with higher (...)
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  12. Creativity, inquiry, or accountability? Scientists' and teachers' perceptions of science education.Amy R. Taylor, M. Gail Jones, Bethany Broadwell & Tom Oppewal - 2008 - Science Education 92 (6):1058-1075.
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  13.  21
    Questions of Ethics in Counselling and Therapy.Caroline Jones (ed.) - 2000 - Open University Press.
    This book offers numerous questions and answers about ethics in counselling and therapy, training, counselling supervision, research and other important issues. The authors bring psychodynamic, person-centred, integrative or eclectic approaches to their selection of questions and answers. They also bring a variety of experience from independent practice, institutional and voluntary agency settings. Between them they have experience as counsellors, psychotherapists, trainers, counselling supervisors and authors. The questions cover a range of issues that practitioners need to consider including: confidentiality, constraints and (...)
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    The subject of narration: Blanchot and Henry James's The Turn of the Screw.Caroline Sheaffer-Jones - 2005 - Colloquy 10:231.
    Writing and that which it entails are the subject of countless texts by Maurice Blanchot. In particular, Blanchot has focused on the notion of the work, or more precisely on a groundlessness or an absence of the work, which he has designated from different perspectives over the course of more than half a century. In various ways, Blanchot has conceived of the work as an affirmation of its undoing. The question of narration, often about a confrontation with death, is fundamentally (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Exploring the routes from consultation to (in)forming public policy.Caroline Jones - 2008 - In Michael D. A. Freeman, Law and bioethics / edited by Michael Freeman. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Understanding Contextual Spillover: Using Identity Process Theory as a Lens for Analyzing Behavioral Responses to a Workplace Dietary Choice Intervention.Caroline Verfuerth, Christopher R. Jones, Diana Gregory-Smith & Caroline Oates - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:422908.
    Spillover occurs when one environmentally sustainable behaviour leads to another, often initiated by a behaviour change intervention. A number of studies have investigated positive and negative spillover effects, but empirical evidence is mixed, showing evidence for both positive and negative spillover effects, and lack of spillover altogether. Environmental identity has been identified as an influential factor for spillover effects. Building on identity process theory the current framework proposes that positive, negative, and a lack of spillover are determined by perceived threat (...)
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    Agnotology.Caroline A. Jones - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (67).
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    2 Ethical thinking in individual therapy.Caroline Jones - 2003 - In Derek Hill & Caroline Jones, Forms of ethical thinking in therapeutic practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp. 18.
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    An Australian Based Study on the Readability of HIV/AIDS and Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trial Informed Consent Documents.Caroline Jones - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (3):313-319.
    The aims of this study were to measure the readability of Australian based informed consent documents and determine whether informed consent readability guidelines have been established by Australian human research ethics committees (HRECs). A total of 20 informed consent documents, 10 HIV/AIDS and 10 type 2 diabetes, were measured for readability using the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) and Gunning Fog Index (Fog). Published guidelines and policy statements of the two local HREC who approved the 20 clinical trials under study (...)
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  20.  37
    Environmental Justice in and of Healthcare.Caroline Burkholder & Nora L. Jones - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):47-50.
    Ray and Cooper (2024) present a clear and compelling argument for giving greater prioritization to environmental injustice in the work we do as bioethicists. Their discussion of justice and vulnera...
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  21.  26
    Exploring Wellbeing and Creativity Through Collaborative Composition as Part of Hull 2017 City of Culture.Caroline Waddington-Jones, Andrew King & Pamela Burnard - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Big Thinkers and Big Ideas: An Introduction to Eastern and Western Philosophy for Kids, by Sharon Kaye; Children’s Book of Philosophy, by Sarah Tomley and Marcus Weeks; Philosophy for Kids: 40 Fun Questions that Help You Wonder about Everything!, by David White; Big Ideas for Young Thinkers, by Jamia Wilson. [REVIEW]Jules Taylor & Katherine Thomson-Jones - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (4):569-575.
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    The Role of Behavioral Science in Personalized Multimodal Prehabilitation in Cancer.Chloe Grimmett, Katherine Bradbury, Suzanne O. Dalton, Imogen Fecher-Jones, Meeke Hoedjes, Judit Varkonyi-Sepp & Camille E. Short - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Multimodal prehabilitation is increasingly recognized as an important component of the pre-operative pathway in oncology. It aims to optimize physical and psychological health through delivery of a series of tailored interventions including exercise, nutrition, and psychological support. At the core of this prescription is a need for considerable health behavior change, to ensure that patients are engaged with and adhere to these interventions and experience the associated benefits. To date the prehabilitation literature has focused on testing the efficacy of devised (...)
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  24.  25
    Between Autonomy and Solidarity: An African Woman’s Autoethnography.Caroline Kithinji, Hellen Maleche, Ann Masiga & Julie Masiga - 2021 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 14 (2):61-69.
    As an infant, my grandmother chewed my food for me because I was not capable of chewing on my own. As an adult, most African men still want to chew my food for me. So, how do African women consent to research when culturally they must surrender their autonomy? We join in solidarity and create our own collective autonomy. We know the rules of our patriarchal society and outwardly adhere to them. As an ethicist, I have developed a sense of (...)
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  25. ‘Pardon for not meaning’: Remarks on Derrida, Blanchot and Kafka.Caroline Sheaffer-Jones - 2009 - Derrida Today 2 (2):245-259.
    Jacques Derrida returns relentlessly to the question of literature which is already a prominent concern in early texts such as Writing and Difference. The focus of this article is the conception of literature in ‘Literature in Secret: An Impossible Filiation’, in which Derrida discusses filiation with reference to Abraham and Isaac, the fundamental necessity of secrecy and the notion of the pardon. Above all, it is Kafka's Letter to His Father which perhaps provides a paradigm for defining literature. In this (...)
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    Tableau Before the Law: Albert Camus' The Fall After Deconstruction.Caroline Sheaffer-Jones - 2013 - Derrida Today 6 (1):115-134.
    At the beginning of Derrida's ‘Before the Law’, a reading of Kafka's story with that title, is an epigraph from Montaigne's Essays: ‘… science does likewise (and even our law, it is said, has legitimate fictions on which it bases the truth of its justice)…’. Derrida again refers to this quotation in ‘Force of Law’, asking what a ‘legitimate fiction’ might be and what it would mean to establish the basis for the truth of justice. With reference to these writings (...)
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    Conference working group recommendations.Caroline Walker Bynum, Clifford Geertz, Sari Nusseibeh, Robert Weisbuch, Israel Jacob Yuval, Philip Glotzbach, Alick Isaacs, Lawrence Jones, Cason Lynley & Jeffrey M. Perl - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (1):13-15.
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    The Department of Health Review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990.Caroline Jones - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (4):200-204.
    The Department of Health's Review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 is a comprehensive public consultation on the regulation of the storage and use of gametes and embryos for fertility treatment and research in the UK. The consultation considers a range of issues, including the model and scope of regulation and proposals for a single body, the Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos, to replace both the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and the Human Tissue Authority by April (...)
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    Aesthetically Designing Video-Call Technology With Care Home Residents: A Focus Group Study.Sonam Zamir, Felicity Allman, Catherine Hagan Hennessy, Adrian Haffner Taylor & Ray Brian Jones - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundVideo-calls have proven to be useful for older care home residents in improving socialization and reducing loneliness. Nonetheless, to facilitate the acceptability and usability of a new technological intervention, especially among people with dementia, there is a need for user-led design improvements. The current study conducted focus groups with an embedded activity with older people to allow for a person-centered design of a video-call intervention.MethodsTwenty-eight residents across four care homes in the South West of England participated in focus groups to (...)
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    A Double-Coil TMS Method to Assess Corticospinal Excitability Changes at a Near-Simultaneous Time in the Two Hands during Movement Preparation.Emmanuelle Wilhelm, Caroline Quoilin, Charlotte Petitjean & Julie Duque - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  31.  69
    Activating event knowledge.Mary Hare, Michael Jones, Caroline Thomson, Sarah Kelly & Ken McRae - 2009 - Cognition 111 (2):151-167.
  32.  58
    The Modernist Paradigm: The Artworld and Thomas Kuhn.Caroline A. Jones - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 26 (3):488-528.
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    Andy Warhol's “Factory”: The Production Site, Its Context and Its Impact on the Work of Art.Caroline A. Jones - 1991 - Science in Context 4 (1):101-132.
    The ArgumentIt is often observed by historians of postwar American art that painters and sculptors of the 1960s sought a more mechanized “look” for their art. I argue that the changes reflected in the art have their source in a deeper shift – a shift at the level of production, expressed in new studio practices as well as in the space of the artworks themselves.In the period immediately before, during, and after World War II, the dominant topos of the American (...)
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  34. Dusting.Caroline A. Jones - 2009 - In Eva Ebersberger, Daniela Zyman & Thordis Arrhenius, Jorge Otero-Pailos: The Ethics of Dust. Dist. By Art Publishers.
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    Finishing School: John Cage and the Abstract Expressionist Ego.Caroline A. Jones - 1993 - Critical Inquiry 19 (4):628-665.
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    Higher education students: barriers to engagement; psychological alienation theory, trauma and trust: a systematic review.Caroline S. Jones & Zoë Nangah - 2021 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 25 (2):62-71.
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    Neonatal Male Circumcision: Ethical Issues and Physician Responsibility.Caroline McGee Jones - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):59-60.
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    10 Forms of ethical thinking and practice.Derek Hill & Caroline Jones - 2003 - In Derek Hill & Caroline Jones, Forms of ethical thinking in therapeutic practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp. 156.
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    Could parental rules play a role in the association between short sleep and obesity in young children?Caroline H. D. Jones, Tessa M. Pollard, Carolyn D. Summerbell & Helen Ball - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (3):1-14.
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    Forms of ethical thinking in therapeutic practice.Derek Hill & Caroline Jones (eds.) - 2003 - Maidenhead: Open University Press.
    Most books about ethics focus either on the origins of ethics, or on the application of ethical thinking to a single form of therapy. This book sets out to span a range of very different forms of therapy and explores the similarities and the differences between the ethical thinking of the practitioners concerned. By looking at ethical issues in different therapeutic settings the reader is challenged to reconsider the working assumptions which underpin familiar therapeutic practice. Readers of Forms of Ethical (...)
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  41.  18
    The Note.Caroline A. Jones - 2016 - In Susan Neiman, Peter Galison & Wendy Doniger, What Reason Promises: Essays on Reason, Nature and History. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 234-246.
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    Anxiety and Elation: Response to Michael Fried.Caroline A. Jones - 2001 - Critical Inquiry 27 (4):706-715.
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  43.  32
    Experience: culture, cognition, and the common sense.Caroline A. Jones, David Mather & Rebecca Uchill (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: the MIT Press.
    Experience offers a reading experience like no other. A heat-sensitive cover by Olafur Eliasson reveals words, colors, and a drawing when touched by human hands. Endpapers designed by Carsten Holler are printed in ink containing carefully calibrated quantities of the synthesized human pheromones estratetraenol and androstadienone, evoking the suggestibility of human desire. The margins and edges of the book are designed by Tauba Auerbach in complementary colors that create a dynamically shifting effect when the book is shifted or closed. When (...)
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    Relatively material: mtDNA and genetic relatedness in law and policy.Ingrid Holme & Caroline Jones - 2013 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 9 (1):1-14.
    Mitochondrial donation poses the latest regulatory challenge for policy-makers in the context of assisted conception. Since 2010 the Human Genetics Commission, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics have all considered the policy implications of permitting use of these techniques in treatment. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics reported its recommendations in June 2012 following a consultation on the ethical issues raised by these techniques; and a separate consultation by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in (...)
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  45.  14
    Ranking Australia's Prime Ministers: An Exercise in Interpretation.Barry Jones & Julie Dyer - 2009 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 17 (1):20.
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    Clinical Trials Cannot Substitute for Health System Strengthening Initiatives or Specifically Designed Health Policy and Systems Research.Kwaku Poku Asante, Caroline Jones, Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima & Sassy Molyneux - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (6):24-26.
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    Emotion-based learning: insights from the Iowa Gambling Task.Oliver H. Turnbull, Caroline H. Bowman, Shanti Shanker & Julie L. Davies - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    (2 other versions)I think I know what you mean.Meredyth Krych-Appelbaum, Julie Banzon Law, Dayna Jones, Allyson Barnacz, Amanda Johnson & Julian Paul Keenan - 2007 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 8 (2):267-280.
    Theory of Mind is the ability to predict and understand the mental state of another. While ToM is theorized to play a role in language, we examined whether such a mentalizing ability plays an important role in establishing shared understanding in conversation. Pairs of participants engaged in a Lego model building task in which a director instructed a builder on how to create duplicate models from a prototype that only the director could see. We manipulated whether the director could see (...)
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    Liam Gillick. Industry and Intelligence: Contemporary Art since 1820. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. 208 pp. [REVIEW]Caroline A. Jones - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 43 (4):903-904.
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    Living ethics: a stance and its implications in health ethics.Eric Racine, Sophie Ji, Valérie Badro, Aline Bogossian, Claude Julie Bourque, Marie-Ève Bouthillier, Vanessa Chenel, Clara Dallaire, Hubert Doucet, Caroline Favron-Godbout, Marie-Chantal Fortin, Isabelle Ganache, Anne-Sophie Guernon, Marjorie Montreuil, Catherine Olivier, Ariane Quintal, Abdou Simon Senghor, Michèle Stanton-Jean, Joé T. Martineau, Andréanne Talbot & Nathalie Tremblay - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (2):137-154.
    Moral or ethical questions are vital because they affect our daily lives: what is the best choice we can make, the best action to take in a given situation, and ultimately, the best way to live our lives? Health ethics has contributed to moving ethics toward a more experience-based and user-oriented theoretical and methodological stance but remains in our practice an incomplete lever for human development and flourishing. This context led us to envision and develop the stance of a “living (...)
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